Legal Notices


The website at the address (hereafter, « the Website ») is the sole property of:

Limited liability company with a capital stock of € 10,000,000
R.C.S. Cannes n° 394 148 308 – SIRET 394 148 308 00056

Headoffice address : 1198 avenue du Docteur Maurice Donat 06250 Mougins – Sophia Antipolis – France

Phone : +33 (0)

Publication director : Mr. Rémi ANDRE

Website host


2 rue Kellermann, 59100 Roubaix, France

Phone :  +33 (0)8 99 70 17 61

Terms of use

By accessing the Website, you accept the terms of use in their entirety and agree to comply with them.

Intellectual property rights – Reproduction

The Website was created by Linghün Studio on behalf of KEP TECHNOLOGIES SA. The Website and its content are protected by the provisions of the Intellectual Property Code. Consequently, any reproduction, representation, dissemination or imitation, without the prior express consent of KEP TECHNOLOGIES SA, is prohibited under articles L.713-2 and seq. of the Intellectual Property Code, and constitutes an offence which falls under articles L. 335-2 and seq. of the Intellectual Property Code. The trademarks and logos on the Website are protected by copyright


KEP TECHNOLOGIES SA provides information on the Website for guidance only but makes every effort to provide accurate and up-to-date information. However, KEP TECHNOLOGIES SA accepts no responsibility for the content, accessibility or availability of the information provided, and for any difficulties that may arise during your interaction with the Website. Users acknowledge that they have sole responsibility for their use of this information and, more generally, for accessing the Website.

Hypertext links

Links to other websites are displayed to make it easier for you to access additional documents. KEP TECHNOLOGIES SA shall not be held responsible for these and has no control over their content. The prior and written authorization of KEP TECHNOLOGIES SA is required for any hypertext link to the Website.

Privacy policy and cookies

You can find all the information in the Privacy Policy

General conditions of sale

You can find all the information on the page General Conditions of Sale.

Applicable law and jurisdiction:

Any dispute in relation to the Website, concerning the interpretation and enforcement of these terms of use, shall be governed by French Law. If an amicable agreement cannot be reached, it shall fall under the sole jurisdiction of the tribunals within the juridiction of the Court of appeals of Aix en Provence.