The latest news from Setaram

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Catégories : Webinar

Extrait : Thursday, June 27th (10:00 AM CEST) – Webinar – Thermal analysis to ensure the safety of batteries Live webinar using Microsoft Teams Novel materials are…

Catégories : Archives

Extrait : Thursday, May 23rd (4:00 PM CEST) – Webinar: Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry for characterizing food products Live webinar using Microsoft Teams The composition of food,…

Catégories : Webinar / Archives

Extrait : Hydrogen is a clean source of energy, and it plays an important role in mitigating environmental challenges as well as facilitating the transition into a more sustainable future.

Catégories : Product & Brand

Extrait : Need a 20% discount on simple & powerful thermal analysis instruments ?

Catégories : Archives

Extrait : Thursday,March 21st (10:00 – 11:00 AM GMT+1) – Webinar: How to test materials protection against high temperature corrosion? Live webinar using Microsoft Teams Many industrial…

Catégories : Archives

Extrait : Thursday,February 22nd (1:00 – 1:30 PM Eastern Time) – Webinar: Thermal Analysis for the Characterization of Metals and Ceramics Live webinar using Microsoft Teams Thermal…

Catégories : Webinar

Extrait : Register now for an upcoming webinar (depending on your timezone):

Catégories : Archives

Extrait : Thursday, November 30th (1:00 – 1:30 PM Eastern Time) – Webinar: Calorimetry and thermal analysis for better batteries Live webinar using Microsoft Teams In the…

Catégories : Archives

Extrait : Thursday, October 26th (10:00 – 10:30 AM GMT+2) – Webinar: How to improve batteries thermal safety ? Live webinar using Microsoft Teams In our world…

Catégories : Archives

Extrait : Thursday, September 28th (1:00 – 1:30 PM Eastern Daylight Time) – Webinar: How to test materials protection against corrosion? Live webinar using Microsoft Teams Corrosion…

Catégories : Archives

Extrait : Thursday, September 21 (10:00 – 10:30 AM GMT+2) – Webinar: Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry for green materials & processes Live webinar using Microsoft Teams Global…

Catégories : Applications & Technologies

Extrait : For more than 10 years, the KEP Technologies Group has been developing from A to Z autosamplers for its thermal analyzers, to meet the needs…

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