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- Hydrogen Storage
- If you order an electrolyser with a flow rate of 100 ml / min, we offer you an electrolyser with a flow rate of 160 ml / min
- If you order an electrolyser with a flow rate of 250 ml / min, we offer you an electrolyser with a flow rate of 350 ml / min
- If you order an electrolyser with a flow rate of 350 ml / min, we offer you an electrolyser with a flow rate of 600 ml / min
- If you order an electrolyzer with a flow rate of 160 ml / min, we offer you an electrolyzer with a flow rate of 250 ml / min
- Instrument financing ? We’ve got you covered!
- It’s a match : Buy 1 SETLINE TGA and get 1 SETLINE DSC free
- It’s a match : Buy a SETLINE TGA and get 20% off a SETLINE DSC
- It’s a match : Buy a SETLINE TGA for less than 15 000€ (20 000$) and get 20% off a SETLINE DSC
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Posts by category
- Category: Product & Brand
- New e-commerce website (12/03/2024)
- Customers’ review (10/30/2024)
- Fast delivery for our Setline solutions (10/22/2024)
- The Setaram 2022 autosamplers (10/05/2022)
- 100 years of the “TIAN-CALVET” sensor! (04/13/2022)
- Leasing a THEMYS H2 (03/29/2022)
- Don’t miss out on an exceptional offer with THEMYS* (09/19/2021)
- Time to trade-up your calorimeter (08/24/2021)
- Time to Trade-up your Thermal Analyzer instrument! (07/21/2021)
- GASPRO : High Pressure. High Performance. (05/25/2021)
- Time to Trade-up your Quality Control instrument! (04/22/2021)
- Everyone should have the best for the least (02/01/2021)
- Category: People
- The EPFL School of Physics talks about our Themys One (05/03/2023)
- Teijin Aramid talk about our CALVET (12/15/2022)
- Baikowski talk about our CALVET PRO (11/16/2022)
- Spotlight on Hongyu Zeng : Hydrogen perspectives (09/01/2022)
- JCAT-52 Calorimetry and Thermal Analysis days, 52nd edition (03/02/2022)
- FLEXI HYCO is launched! (02/15/2022)
- Spotlight on David Constantin : Micromechanics (02/01/2022)
- 2 hours to become a Cp pro (01/25/2022)
- Summer School and Workshop in Calorimetry and Thermal Analysis 2022 (12/06/2021)
- Check out our 2021/2022 contract testing catalogue! (10/05/2021)
- SETLINE TGA is launched! (09/19/2021)
- Check out our 2021/2022 training sessions! (09/16/2021)
- Spotlight on Laurent Passelegue : Special Requests (08/20/2021)
- #2 : Because you Grow and Evolve with your Materials Research… (07/27/2021)
- The new Setaram website launches in China! (07/23/2021)
- A new thermogravimetric analyzer is launched! (06/14/2021)
- Spotlight on Gaelle Lebourleux : Themys line (05/20/2021)
- PRP Creation talk about our SETLINE DSC (05/04/2021)
- Behind SETLINE: Spotlight on Jeremy Olivier (03/30/2021)
- #1 : Because you Grow and Evolve with your Materials Research… (03/04/2021)
- Your new chiller is out! (12/07/2020)
- A new technological challenge is achieved! (10/15/2020)
- Get Ready : your NEW thermal analyzer is out ! (09/30/2020)
- Don’t settle for 2nd best (09/02/2020)
- Simplification at its best (09/02/2020)
- A whole new world ! (09/02/2020)
- New brand identity (09/02/2020)
- Category: Applications & Technologies
- How to study the thermal properties of polymers and plastics ? (02/17/2025)
- Robots designed by humans (06/12/2023)
- Category: Webinar
- Webinar – How to characterize materials under hydrogen atmosphere ? (03/05/2025)
- Webinar – Why using DSC, TGA or STA for characterizing polymers and plastics ? (02/04/2025)
- Webinar – Exploring thermal properties and stability of metals, alloys, and ceramics (01/06/2025)
- 2024 Webinar program (08/04/2023)
- 2023 Webinar Program (11/18/2022)
- Our 2022 webinar program is out ! (12/14/2021)
- Our 2021 webinar program is out! (02/03/2021)
- Category: Archives
- Webinar – How to improve batteries’ thermal safety (10/29/2024)
- Webinar – Storing heat to save resources (09/26/2024)
- Webinar – Thermal characterization of polymers and plastics (08/27/2024)
- Webinar – Ensure the safety of batteries (06/07/2024)
- Webinar – Characterization of food products (05/06/2024)
- Webinar – Hydrogen (04/08/2024)
- 20% discount on our Setline DSC and Setline STA* (03/26/2024)
- Webinar – Corrosion (03/01/2024)
- Webinar – Metals & Ceramics (01/22/2024)
- Webinar – Batteries (08/04/2023)
- Webinar – Batteries Thermal Safety (08/04/2023)
- Webinar – Corrosion Materials (07/21/2023)
- Webinar – Green materials (07/20/2023)
- Webinar – Methods for reliable tests (04/18/2023)
- Webinar – Standards Test Methods (03/17/2023)
- Webinar – sustainable hydrogen experiments (02/21/2023)
- Hydrogen supply in the lab – Webinar (11/21/2022)
- Webinar Invitation : Reduce your risks with our flow assurance solutions (11/09/2022)
- The ISHOC-2022 (10/28/2022)
- Webinar invitation : Extend your testing capacity with Evolved Gas Analysis? (08/25/2022)
- Webinar Invitation : Preserve your materials quality and your budget (08/25/2022)
- 2022 NATAS ANNUAL CONFERENCE (07/22/2022)
- Webinar invitation : How to build the future of hydrogen storage? (07/14/2022)
- Webinar invitation : How can thermal analysis help in waste recycling processes? (05/03/2022)
- Webinar invitation : Safer processes are possible with calorimetry (04/26/2022)
- Webinar invitation : How to control plastics quality with TGA ? (04/26/2022)
- Webinar invitation : How can calorimetry reproduce high pressure real conditions? (04/26/2022)
- Webinar invitation : How can thermal analysis and calorimetry help characterizing nuclear fuel? (02/14/2022)
- Webinar invitation : How to test materials protection against corrosion? (02/09/2022)
- Webinar invitation : How can calorimetry help the transformation of automotive industry? (12/14/2021)
- Webinar invitation : How to improve my Cp measurement? (12/14/2021)
- Don’t miss out on an exceptional offer with THEMYS ONE/ONE+* (11/04/2021)
- Webinar invitation : The characterization of food by calorimetry and thermal methods (10/08/2021)
- Webinar invitation : The characterization of catalysts and adsorbents by calorimetry and thermal methods (09/13/2021)
- Webinar invitation : Thermogravimetry analysis (TGA) for Quality Control (07/29/2021)
- Webinar invitation : Calorimetry, Thermal Analysis, and their applications to the nuclear field (07/05/2021)
- Webinar invitation : Thermal analysis and calorimetry for the characterization of building materials (06/04/2021)
- Webinar Invitation : Thermal Analysis for the Characterization of Metals and Alloys (05/11/2021)
- Webinar Invitation : The characterization of hydrogen storage materials (04/06/2021)
- Webinar organized by our Canadian partner : C-THERM (03/31/2021)
- Time to Trade-up your Thermal Analyzer! (03/23/2021)
- Webinar Invitation : Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry for Process Safety applications (02/26/2021)
- Webinar Invitation : Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry for Quality Control (02/26/2021)
- Webinar Invitation : Thermal Analysis and Hydrogen (02/03/2021)
- Webinar Invitation : Thermal Analysis for the Characterization of Polymers (02/03/2021)
- Webinar Invitation : Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry for the characterization of Batteries (01/15/2021)
- For the best start to the New Year (01/15/2021)
- Webinar Invitation : Thermal Analysis and corrosive atmosphere (12/07/2020)
- Partner’s Webinar Invitation (11/25/2020)
- Instrument financing ? We’ve got you covered! (11/09/2020)
- Webinar Invitation The characterization of Phase Change Materials for Heat Storage (11/02/2020)
- Webinar Invitation Characterization of Polymers (10/01/2020)
- Webinar Invitation Characterization of Hydrogen (09/17/2020)
- Forum Labo Lyon (Cancelled) (09/02/2020)
- Matex phase
- Setline TGA
- Themys Flash
- TAC 500 AS
- RSC 400 AS
- Flexi Wet 200
- Flexi Wet 50
- Flexi Balance
- Flexi Chill
- Flexi HP MS
- Flexi HP 1000
- Flexi HP 200
- Gaspro
- Microcalvet Ultra 4C
- Microcalvet Ultra
- Microcalvet
- Calvet DC Alexsys
- Calvet DC
- Calvet HT
- Calvet LV 4C
- Calvet LV
- Calvet Cryo
- Calvet Pro
- Calvet
- Setline STA / STA+
- Setline DSC / DSC+
- Themys HP
- Themys H2
- Themys LV
- Themys Duo
- Themys One
- Themys