Webinar invitation : How can thermal analysis and calorimetry help characterizing nuclear fuel?
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Thursday April 28th, 2022 with Maxime Bourdon
Setaram invites you to attend a new Webinar on How can thermal analysis and calorimetry help characterizing nuclear fuel? that will take place on Thursday April 28th, 2022.
The characterization of nuclear fuel is major importance for the optimization of the nuclear fuel cycle and for safeguard aspects starting from refining, conversion, nuclear fuel fabrication, reactor operation, nuclear fuel reprocessing to waste management. Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry provide solutions for the research and thermal characterization of nuclear materials and for the quantification of radioactive elements along this nuclear fuel cycle.
The webinar will focus on the characterization of the fuel and more particularly the characterization of their thermophysical properties, preparation, and reactivity.
You can register for the session that best suits your location and schedule :
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Presented by
Maxime Bourdon
Global Applications Leader