The latest news from Setaram

Whether a seminar, market news, new content, upcoming trade shows, product innovation, promotions, customer feedback or other topical news and events, we strive to keep you informed

Thursday May 27th, 2021 with Maxime Bourdon

Catégories : Archives

Extrait : WATCH THE REPLAY   Setaram invites you to attend a new Webinar on the role of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry for Process Safety applications that will…

Thursday April 29th, 2021 with Lebourleux Gaelle

Catégories : Archives

Extrait : WATCH THE REPLAY   Setaram invites you to attend a new Webinar on the role of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry for Quality Control that will take…

March 25th, 2021 with Hongyu Zeng

Catégories : Archives

Extrait : WATCH THE REPLAY   Setaram invites you to attend a new Webinar on the role of Thermal Analysis and Hydrogen that will take place on Thursday…

February 25th, 2021 with Maxime Bourdon

Catégories : Archives

Extrait : WATCH THE REPLAY   Setaram invites you to attend a new Webinar on the role of Thermal Analysis for the Characterization of Polymers that will take…

Catégories : Webinar

Extrait : Watch the replay of our 2021 webinars:

Catégories : Product & Brand

Extrait : Get a new THEMYS ONE+ thanks to our attractive leasing offer GO TO THE PAGE  

Thursday January 28th, 2021 with Gaëlle Lebourleux

Catégories : Archives

Extrait : WATCH THE REPLAY   Setaram invites you to attend a new Webinar on the role of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry in the characterization of Batteries that…

Catégories : Archives

Extrait : Don’t miss out one exclusive SETLINE promotion go to the page  

Catégories : People

Extrait : Discover FLEXI CHILL ! FLEXI CHILL is an air cooled chiller. It flows cooling water to your system by the use of a robust centrifugal…

Thursday, December 17, 2020

Catégories : Archives

Extrait : WATCH THE REPLAY   Setaram invites you to attend a new Webinar about the Thermal Analysis and corrosive atmosphere that will take place Thursday, December 17,…

Thursday, 3 December, 2020

Catégories : Archives

Extrait : Thermal Performance Characterization of Innovative Lightweight Polymer-based Heatsink Materials Thursday, 3 December, 2020

Catégories : Archives


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